My first kiss was,.....

My first kiss was with this boy that i had liked for about 1 year, at lunch we would always hangout and flirt and we would lock eyes ocassionally we had hung out a couple of times outside of school it was christmaas time and we went ice skating together with a couple of our other friends.
We were holding hands the whole time so when we got done we looked at eachother and smiled he kissed me on the lips and it was both of our first kiss it was amazing and now Andrew and i are dating and have been for about 3 years - anonymous, 14
My first kiss happend in 7th, about the middle of the year. I was at my friends ashtyn's house and ive been seeing this guy for about a day. She invited him and her boyfriend over. The whole time we were cuddling and smiling at each other. Ashtyn's boyfriend kept on insisting that i kiss him and pressuring me, but thats not how i roll. It was gettting to the end of the night and my dad was outside waiting for me. Right when i was about to say goodbye, we hugged. Then he was still hanging on to me, THEN BAMMM. he did it. It wasnt necessarily the best experience, since we were only going out for a day. - Laquita, 14 yrs

Sherry's Time with Annya

Sherry's Time with Annya Annya was with us only 4 months... This is her story. I knew her history, where she came from and how she got here to this point but it still didn't prepare me for how she looked. Her lower jaw jutted out, her face so misshape Ned. She wouldn't make eye contact, she smelled of fear. So sad, so sad. I had picked her up with another pu-ppy mill foster and was on the way to do a home visit the next day. So off to the motel we went. Once we were settled in for the night I examined my first puppymill baby. Her fur was soft as silk. I stroked her fur while reading her file. It was the shock of my life! There was Sweet Annya's picture when she came out of that hell hole, so horrible, so horrible. Tears fell, poor baby, poor sweet baby Annya. I looked at her, she had come such a long way but still had miles to go. She was so timid until we got home. When she saw the other 5 shih Tzu in the yard up came the tail, wag, wag and she smiled. Of cause, Annya was afraid of hands. When it was time to come inside she couldn't climb the steps so I reached down for her and she ran. "hands, hands-hurt, hurt" was on her face. So I learned to wiggle my fingers at her as my hands ever so slowly reached around her to pick her up. There were 2 steps back for every step forward. One time when she was outside there was no way she would let the "hands" touch her. An hour passed, another half hour went by, finally I put a bowl of food on the patio and sat on the steps. Ever so slowly she inched forward to eat. I never made a move just crying and cooing "poor baby, poor baby". For example, time passed, finally she realized "hands" won't hurt, but must always wiggle first to be safe.
At first she wouldn't let me pick her up to join the others and me on the couch. She wanted to but oh "hands,hands-hurt,hurt". For example, then one night when the "girls" and I were watching tv I felt a paw pawing at my leg. It was Annya, she wanted up. She joined us and the others made room for her. A big sigh and she laid down and fell asleep. It would become a nightly ritual.
Annya was afraid of men. This was brought home when my husband tried to pick her up. She bit him hard, even with her broken jaw she drew blood. She was terrified, absolutely hysterical. We knew we had to help her overcome her fear and came upon an idea that Doug would feed her in the morning while I remained out of sight. He would set her bowl down and slowly back away until she would start eating. He would stop and stay put, not moving closer or farther away. Every time he would move not quite so far away. For example , eventually she did let him get within 6 feet of her. We were so proud of her, she was so brave. Of cause, his part is so hard to tell but I must. Sweet Annya had joined the gang on the couch and she was curled up sleeping. I looked down at her and saw she was still-too still! Annya? Annya! No response. I grabbed her and she wasn't breathing. I gave her mouth to nose resuscitation but she kept going. She wouldn't come back, she just kept going. I called the vet but she was already gone. God had called her home. She's now with the One whose hands will never hurt. No more "hands, hands-hurt, hurt". We'd love to hear your story, too.

Barb's Time With Annya.. ‘forever’

Barb's Time With Annya.. ‘forever’
Hello! ……..Of cause, that picture. It's imprinted in my brain. Maybe you saw it or remember it? Two little dogs with the same name because one clung to the other, terrified of what humans would do to them next. And so, I told the shelter, send them to me, if they are still alive. There were four. Forever……………… But when I met the transport, I didn't know what to expect. Four Tzu were coming to me from a mill bust in Huron, South Dakota... and two of them were Lola's because they clung to each other. Other foster moms took three. They have all found happy homes. But the worse was Sweet Annie. I named her for my favorite dried, heavily scented flower. She needed a beautiful name, because the mill had taken her beauty from her forever. Her jaw was broken and wired together by a rescue vet, her teeth were mostly gone except for her canines, which protruded because of her narrow jaw. But Annie's rotten teeth had poisoned her system, and damaged her beautiful heart. She was a Tzu with a Bassett bark and a Hound Howl; her vocal cords damaged by years of crying for food and fighting the infection that drained down her throat. And, we thought she was blind. Her eyes never moved when I passed my hand in front of her face.
During only her first days with me, I bathed her, trimmed away the hair that covered her face, fed her whatever she wanted to eat and she began to bloom. Annya learned to play like a puppy, learned to trust me, bonded with my Tzu and became comfortable in my home. But, she wasn't ready for a new home yet as she was terrified of men. So, I said an aching goodbye to only my Sweet Annya and she went to live with a couple that could expose her to more people and a new situations so she would be ready for her forever home. And so I met the transport and said goodbye, forever.\ Рlease write comment on my blog!

~The Ojibwa Story~ Beautiful wedding..

~The Ojibwa Story~ Beautiful wedding.. Many couples come to Red Rock Crossing Park in Sedona to get married under the magnificence of Cathedral Rock. Of cause, if you look at the middle of the rock there are two fingers sticking up, which looks like a couple standing back to back. To their left is a tall rock that looks as if a head is on top representing the person overseeing the ceremony. The tall rocks on each side represent the rocks in our life - family, friends, spirituality, etc. ..
I shared this sacred setting on a vortex tour with a couple who were of Ojibwa Indian origin. They told me that the Ojibwa get married back to back. Each person has in front of them a portion of the circle which is their energy and beliefs. If you were to stand face to face you could not see behind the other person nor could they see behind you. As you stand back to back and trust the other person's view on life you then form a complete circle from which you both can see the entire picture of life. Of cause, they went on to say that we attract people into our lives that have a piece of the puzzle we don't yet understand. Only if we can trust them enough to allow their learning into our life then we will be one step closer to wholeness. This story shows the importance of honoring the masculine/feminine duality within you as a key component of healthy living. Once you can integrate this, relationships become less about a power struggle for energy than they do a loving, mutual sharing of each other. How was it for you!? Tell us below.

My first kiss... forever!

Hello! My first kiss... forever! Well, okay this wasn't technically my first kiss, but I think a first kiss shouldn't be technical. Of cause, i think it should be labeled with the one you truly love. That's why this story is about love's first kiss (like in Snow White). I won't go into details because that would take all night, but I'll just say that it was at the most perfect spot ever. It was at the park by my house, under my favorite pepper tree near a rock creek. But that had been my favorite place to go to so I took him there when he came over. So we had been going out for a month or so and we had gone to Disneyland a couple weeks before.
There, we had made wishes at Snow White's Grotto in the Wishing Well. Now, at the park, he was insistent on me telling him my wish since he had already told me his (which later turned out to be the same as mine). So it took me 44 minutes to tell him. Oh..So this is his first kiss, not mine but I was never as nervous about a kiss as I was right then. My lips were shaking...literally (they do that when I get nervous). THEN he told me that no matter what my wish was, (because I told him I was afraid of his potential reaction to it) he would always love me.
That was the first time he told me that he loved me and I have never felt the way I felt at that moment. Guys had told me they loved me, but never have I felt this feeling that I had. So I told him my wish (that he would kiss me) and so he did. For example...It was simple (just a regular kiss) but amazing. And I am officially counting this as my first kiss because it was Love's First Kiss. And I have never truly felt this way about anyone before so I'm going to say it now. I love him. I know I love him. I'm not sure if he knows but I'm going to tell him on Thursday when we go to Disneyland. God has brought him into my life and I am extremely grateful to Him for it. So for those of us who had terrible "official" first kisses, just know that you don't have to count those. Love's First Kiss complete overrides anything in that category. - Dani, 18, Izevsk Please write comment on my story!

What happens if you manage to invite a girl to you're place during freshers?

What happens if you manage to invite a girl to you're place during freshers? This needs saying on lots of threads, but it depends upon the girl. If you stop seeing all females as a homogenous mass, thinking, feeling and acting with no more independence of will than a group of Stepford Wives, then that will be a start.
Some girls will want s-e-x, yes - you should be able to tell by body language (if her hands are all over you and pressing down near your intimate places, you can be pretty sure that is on her mind) - some others may be more nervous but perhaps want s-e-x, some others will want to take it more easy at first. Some will have had lots of se-x with different partners before coming to university, others will be virgins. But if you just want cuddles at first, don't take her back to your room - go for a walk together, or something like that. Don't believe anyone who tells you either that all girls are desperate for it, or that all girls want flowers, candlelit dinner, cuddles and romance before they'll have s-e-x. If she doesn't want that, and is pushing to go back to your place or hers, then either go for it and have se-x (or other se-xu-al activity), or otherwise it's time for you to find another girl.
If you invite a girl back to yours, unfortunately due to society these days, she's going to assume generally that it's for s-ex, so it's probably best to make your intentions clear beforehand. Even when a guy invited me back to his for a beer I didn't assume that was all he wanted. However one of my mates has had a guy back to his and nothing more than the odd cuddle has happened, but then she did know him beforehand rather than just meeting him on the night out.

How to Pick Up Women and Have Casual S..

The new dating rules, for her: don't lie about your age (or looks), ditch the make-believe boyfriend baggage and ignore all other dating rules Look, I know what you're thinking. The proportion of GQ readers who have ever tried to pick up men is probably quite small (albeit valued). It doesn't even include me. Except for that one time, actually. But that was ages ago, and sort of accidental, and I don't think I want to talk about it right now, anyway.
Let's start with Rhonda Byrne. She's America's pre-eminent self-help guru, much fêted by Oprah Winfrey for her numerous crazy books, which include The Secret, which was made into crazy film. A few years ago, I had to read one of the sequels. The best way to get a boyfriend, it suggests, is to behave as though you've already got one, right down to sleeping on one side of the bed, cooking meals for two and clearing out half your cupboard. Still. There are men who surreptitiously read women's magazines in order to learn how to pick up women. (I've tried this myself; it doesn't work; women don't have a clue how to pick up women either.) In part, this is to be a column offering some honest advice to women doing the opposite.
It makes me shiver. "Where did you put my shoes?" you'd ask. "On your shoe rack," she'd say. "I have a shoe rack?" you'd say. "Oh, yes. You've always had a shoe rack. For ever and ever." And this from somebody who, mere hours earlier, you were slightly surprised to find yourself snogging in a taxi. It's the madder end of the genre, this, but it's all quite mad. When I was a student, I knew quite a lot of women who read a book called The Rules by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, offering lots of rules for how to make men like you and want to spend the rest of their life with you. There was a chapter called "Don't Talk To A Man First" and one called "Always End Phone Calls First". There was even a chapter called "Don't Discuss The Rules With Your Therapist" but, bafflingly, not one called "Don't Let Any Man See This Horrible Tome On Your Bookshelf Or Else He'll Run A F. Mile". Yeah. Millions of people bought her books. Actual, honest, millions. Can you imagine the horror of waking up after drunkenly sleeping with one of them? "I don't, uh, have a toothbrush," you'd say, perhaps eyeing the bookshelves, and wishing you'd made a run for it at dawn. "Oh, don't worry," she'd reply. "I bought you one ages ago. When you were still imaginary."
And yet, it's the lies that depress me so terribly. It's the unfailing assumption that honesty will always be your enemy. I wrote a feature about a new, quite horrible type of speed dating once, and one of the people I was paired up with was a relatively successful dating writer who was quite surprised I'd never heard of her. "You should google me," she said. Only, she also told me she was 36, and when I did google her, it turned out she was 42. Should we have had a future together, was the idea that I might never find out?
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A great way to pick up women

A great way to pick up women In present men seem less shy than they used to be a couple of years ago, or at least this is what I heard about men in the past because about the ones in present I have my own opinion. Anyway, although they don’t seem shy at all, they don’t like to start conversations with women all the time, although usually it is obvious that they like them. I was curious to find out the reason why they don’t approach woman as often as we all expected them to do, so I asked a couple of men, randomly chosen. I applauded the men who were fans of the funny pickup lines because I agreed with them and I also thought it was a great way to pick up women but I couldn’t help myself not to laugh at the other ones. Not only that, but I also advised them to change their method as soon as possible.
The last question was about the best way they had to pick up women. It was funny listening to their answers because all of them were different. Some said that they have been using funny pickup lines and they believed the method was better than anything else because they became less afraid of starting a conversation and some of them started talking about being honest and feelings. After this research, I found out that none of them was aware of the existence of any great way to pick up women and all of them had a small fear of rejections.
In conclusion, my research thought me that many men need help from women when it comes to women because they have no idea how to engage into a conversation with them, how to pick them up, how to make them laugh, except the ones who have already discovered that making them laugh from the first moment is a great way of picking up women. These men approach women by saying jokes, funny pickup lines or by acting goofy, in order to attract everybody’s attention.
All of these actions work because women love funny men, who are able to make their days happier by making them laugh. So, as an advice for everybody, find a way to make women laugh because this would really be a great way to pick them up. Рlease write comment on my blog!

Men understanding women- 11 Famous Men Who Were Beaten Down By Their Women

Men understanding women! 11 Famous Men Who Were Beaten Down By Their Women 1.Bobby Brown: Everyone thinks Bobby Brown used to hit Whitney Houston... but, according to Whitney herself, it was the opposite. In an interview with the AP 10 years ago, Whitney said, "Contrary to belief, I do the hitting, he doesn't. He has never put his hands on me. We are crazy for one another. I mean crazy in love, love, love, love, love. When we're fighting, it's like that's love for us. We're fighting for our love." Well, that DOES kind of sound like the greatest love of all. (Even better than learning to love yourself... the greatest love of all is learning to beat your husband because he got too handy during the filming of the "Humpin' Around" video.)
2. Abraham Lincoln: According to Michael Burlingame, a history professor at Connecticut College and the author of "The Inner World of Abraham Lincoln", Mary Todd used to beat the hell out of Abe Lincoln. Apparently, one time, Abe didn't put enough wood on a fire, so Mary Todd hit him with a log. Another time, Abe didn't buy the right kind of meat for breakfast, so Mary Todd smacked him in the face and drew blood. By all reports, he hated his marriage; in 1864, he pardoned a Union soldier who abandoned the Army to marry his childhood sweetheart... and, while signing the pardon, Lincoln said, "I want to punish the young man. Probably in less than a year, he'll wish I had withheld the pardon. 3. Humphrey Bogart: Apparently, Bogart and his third wife, Mayo Mathot, used to get into alcohol-induced fights all the time. So why is he on the victims list? One of those fights ended up with her stabbing him in the back. (Not metaphorically.) 4. Christian Slater: Back in 2003, Christian Slater and his wife, Ryan Haddon Slater, got into a fight at the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas. She threw a glass at him and it shattered on his neck, requiring 20 stitches. She was arrested for domestic battery. The weirdest part? On Slater's medical report, only one word was highlighted. Eskimo.
5. Bill Clinton: In the biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton called "Hillary's Choice", Hillary used to routinely beat on Bill, including one time after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke. In a stranger, earlier incident, in 1993, Hillary scratched Bill's face with her nails and left marks on his chin. That happened after she got upset following a visit to the White House by... Barbra Streisand. The book doesn't explain further... did Bill hit on Barbra Streisand? Did Barbra's music drive Hillary to the point of rage? 6. Al Green: In 1974, a few years after he became a giant star, Al Green was at his girlfriend, Mary Woodson's, house. She was married at the time... but, naturally, she started a fight with Al when he told her he wasn't also going to marry her. (?) To get away from the fight, he hopped in the shower... while he was in there, Mary took a pan of boiling grits and dumped them over the top of the shower door. It gave Al third-degree burns on his back, stomach and arms. Then she shot herself with his gun... and he realized his life was out of control and decided he needed to get back to God as quickly as possible. 7. Ron Artest: Ron Artest is pure crazy. One of my favorite anecdotes ever about an NBA player is that, after his rookie season with the Bulls, Ron Artest took an offseason job at Circuit City so he could get the discount. So the fact that he attracted a female crazy isn't all that surprising. In 2002, Ron Artest's girlfriend (who was five years older than him, and the mother of two of his children) admitted to smacking Artest around. That happened right around the same time Ron was accused of stalking a different woman and leaving her threatening messages. It was about two years before he started the brawl at the Palace of Auburn Hills, though... and about three years before he was suspended by the Indiana Pacers because he asked for a month of vacation time to promote a R&B album he was producing. Man I love Ron Artest - "But I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time. And here I go again". 8. Chuck Finley: Chuck Finley was a professional athlete; a Major League Baseball pitcher. His wife was Tawny Kitaen, the chick from the hood of the car in that Whitesnake video. Physically, that should've been a mismatch. But she... she had the rage. In April of 2002, while Finley was on the Cleveland Indians, after a game against the Anaheim Angels, Finley took his wife to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Irvine, California. They left the restaurant because she was making a scene and, according to court papers, she wouldn't stop hitting, kicking and scratching him. She ended up getting counseling and having to make a small donation to a battered women's shelter. 9. Stephen Hawking: According to reports in 2004 (which Hawking denied), his second wife, Elaine, was abusive to Hawking... which even led to him being hospitalized with a broken wrist and cuts on his face. See, that's why he needs to equip his wheelchair with a go-go-gadget boxing glove. 10. Joe Elliott of Def Leppard: Getting beat down by his girlfriend... do you think it would've been a better or worse fight than him versus his drummer? Personally, I think the latter would've been all right. 11. Lionel Richie: In 1988, while Lionel Richie and his wife, Brenda Harvey, were going through a rough patch, she caught Lionel with another woman. She started beating the hell out of him, and ended up being arrested for spousal abuse. Overall, on a scale of one to 11, I'd give that night's karamu a four.

How To Attract A Young Lady?

How To Attract A Young Lady ? Too frequently, we have preconceived notions that hold us back and ruin our opportunities for interacting with the ladies on the market that may be the perfect match for us. If you want to discover how to impress a girl, you will need to be amenable to adjusting the way in which you view the romance landscape.
Finally, after quite a few failed match-ups with your online dates, you've met somebody that you believe is the "Ms. Right" for you. How To Attract A Young Lady ?
This includes doing the simple acts that will spark a fire within her and grab the girl's attention. One thing men don't understand is that if you peer at the lips of a girl at precisely the right time, you can instantly gain her interest and have her wanting to get to know you better. Make sure to do not forget that you shouldn't directly face the woman upon the initial meeting. You never want to show too much interest in the beginning because it will give her the advantage.
One more thing you really need to consider is that you understand that there are a few tests every woman will demand that you successfully pass. All these tests is going to be held against you and if you fail even one of these, you can kiss any chance you had of forming a connection goodbye. On the other hand, in the event you pass them, you will find that you're that much closer to mastering how to impress a girl.
In the following paragraphs, I'll show what exactly you need to do in order to attract the lady of your dreams. The tips can be used to attract a woman at bars, at your workplace, in your social circle, or anywhere else for that matter.
With a generous rise in self-assurance, you may also be able to get even the ladies you believed were basically beyond your reach to sit up and take note of you. You just need to know what to say to a girl and this degree of confidence you'll learn will in reality leave them wishing to learn more about you.
Internet dating is certainly a great way for people to meet people. Several singles are finding that internet dating is the golden ticket for finding new love and true love! One other thing you will have to know how to do is to speak to the sentiments of a girl. As soon as she feels as though she is in fact connected to you on this level, there won't be a thing that might hold her back from spending time with you and perhaps becoming a part of her world. In this article, you will learn how to get girls and what has been holding you back from achieving the success with girls that you always wanted, and we will provide you with some tips on to how to correct these "errors" that you have been making with women.
There exists a world of possibilities out there for you. You just need to be aware of right things to state and do. With that in mind, invest time to understand how to impress a girl by making use of some of the things that you can learn through this website. None of the methods are very tricky and there will not be anything you'll have to memorize and the results you will get from the strategies is going to be immediate.
Coaching Teaching How To Communicate To Girls From The Masters Figuring out how to talk to girls can be hard for some men, but that is generally because those individuals have a scarcity of self-esteem to begin with. For a whole bunch of other guys, speaking with girls comes effortlessly. Find Out From The Experts How To Get A Woman To Want You No matter if you are rich or poor, fit or overweight; there's a pretty good chance you would like to discover how to get a girl to like you.
Discover The Straight Facts On How To Attract A Girl Without question, understanding how to attract a girl is an art that many guys would die to be good at to ensure they're a success when dating. Attracting a woman may seem tricky, but there are various helpful tips and hints which will help you to understand what girls want.
Just What Exactly are You Going To discover regarding How To Pick Up Girls in This Website? Have you ever wondered the reason why a few fortunate men realize how to pick up girls whilst you appear to be lost time and time again?
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How To Seduce A Man: 4 Ways You Can Seduce Him

How To Seduce A Man - 4 Ways You Can Seduce Him! Sometimes you wish that if only you knew how to seduce a man, your love problems would be gone. Actually, you will have other problems, but that is another story. This article will tell you how to seduce a man.
How to seduce a man does depend on the man himself. You should know some of his personality first before you attempt to seduce. The thing is, you should have to know what you are doing, and if there is too much about him that you are unaware of, you won't know where to begin.
It does sound helpful to be able to seduce a man, if you take it into your head to do so. But of course, you must first of all be at least presentable in both appearance and personality. Otherwise, you will feel bad when you don't succeed, despite putting in the effort to seduce. Once you know something about him, you may start to have an idea on how to seduce him. If this is someone you communicate with on a daily basis, this should not take long. How easy or hard to seduce depends on him to some degree. Again, if you find it too hard for you, you may want to evaluate whether he is the one for you. Here are some ways you can seduce him: A. Your cooking skills The first item may sound a little old fashion, but not if your cooking or baking skills are commendable. Everyone needs to eat after all, and three times a day at least, so if you have skills that can impress in this area, there is no harm in letting him know about it. Just prepare something you know the people will like and bring it out with you so that they all can taste it, including your man. Two.Your attentiveness People always like others who listen to them. You can demonstrate this by being attentive to his needs. Do it in a way where you will be noticed and therefore, appreciated, not taken for granted. Before you start to put in effort to seduce the man you want, do a little prep first so that you know he is who you want to be with. This article offers you three ways to seduce him, and the good thing is that along the way, you have the chance to reevaluate if he is the one for you.
So even if it does not work out for you at the end, you would have learn something, but there is a good chance that it will, since you are not doing this blindly. As in everything, you want to do things in a timely fashion, so avoid haste and always tune in to the circumstances.... T
It is good if you have an idea on what kind of lady he is into. This is not to ask you to change yourself just to suit him. If you do find yourself unable to find a common area with him, it may be time to reevaluate whether he is the right one for you.
Different people have different personalities. It will certainly help if yours is an appealing one, what more a sexually appealing one. But the most important thing is that your personality appeals to your man.
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So, do you really want to know about how to attract men ?

Most women were afraid when their beloved one leaves them. For that reason, you need to find a way to prevent such a kind of problem. If you let this problem, there is a big possibility that your man will leave you and change his heart to another woman. Before too late and your man leaves you, it is better for you to know how to keep a guy interested in you. So, do you really want to know about how to attract men ?

What To Do When Thinking Of How To Keep A Guy Interested In You

By : Marthinus Lembong

One more problem which makes your man leave you is because you force them to change. Instead of force your man to change it will be better for you to influence them. Then, it is important to learn about their interest, and you can do or discuss something that makes them comfortable. Remember! Don’t be too jealous with your beloved one because it increases their unpleasant sense. Making a surprise for your man is good sometimes to keep your relationship fresh. Hopefully, by learning about how to keep a guy interested to you above you can really keep your relationship and make him love you more and more. Just try those tips above and feel the different.
This article will show several tips about how to attract a guy so you don’t need to worry that he will leave you for another woman. First thing to know is not asking or telling about this kind of topic to a single woman. Although they are considered as your best friends, but they don’t understand about your situation. So, it is better for you to share your condition to a woman who has the same condition, or at least they have a man. Just take an action to make them love you by making a complement for him. It is not a matter of woman or man because most people will be very happy if they get complement, right?

How to Attract and Date a Hot W..

How to Attract and Date a Hot Woman
By: Scott Patterson
Want to learn a PROVEN WAY for flirting and se-y attracting women? If so, take a look at Steve Scott's Flirting Guide which provides a step-by-step plan for flirting with women!
Here's a simple question I want you to ask yourself:

"Do I Want to Date Hot Women?"

I'm not talking about your average girl at the bar who is okay looking. I'm talking about the kind of woman who walks by and EVERY guy stops what he's doing. This is the type of girl that most men can only dream of dating.

Almost every guy I've met wants to date a woman like this! Yet, most never have a chance!

Why's that?

Well the answer is simple... Your average guy doesn't even try!
Typically, when a man sees a woman like this, he'll have a brief fantasy about what it would be like to date her. But, when it comes time to "man up" and approach, he makes an excuse about how he has no chance.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret...

99% of men make excuses when it comes time to approach a very attractive woman. Typically, they SETTLE for the woman they think they can get. Without even trying, these guys simply give up!
On the other hand, there's the 1% of men who aren't afraid to take a chance. Even if they don't attract the interest of the girl, they still have the courage to try!
So what's my point? In order to "get" (and date) hot women, you have to take a chance! To reword a famous quote by Wayne Gretsky, "The only time you have 0% chance of success is when you don't take a shot!"
Now if you find yourself tongue-tied and unable to approach the beautiful women you see, then you should get to the root of your mental stumbling block. In fact, there is a two-step solution to this problem.

First, you need to create a powerful mindset when it comes to women.

To get over this hump, you should create a list of affirmations that you review on a daily basis. These are sayings that you recite which create a positive state of mind. For instance, you could use affirmations that sound like this:

"I'm a good looking guy" "I can successfully approach women"
"I have a lot to say to women during a conversation" "I am a fun, energetic guy"
With affirmations, you can reprogram your mind to think in a positive manner that'll make you more attractive and interesting to women.
The second solution is a little more difficult. You need to understand the right way to communicate. The major problem that guys have around attractive women is they simply don't know how to talk to them.

Honestly, creating attraction with an uber-hot girl comes down to ONE thing: Knowing how to flirt. If you can flirt, you speak to girls on a level that most guys fail to understand.

Flirting isn't about asking questions. And it's not about seeking rapport. In fact, flirting can be quickly created by avoiding statements that guys often use to establish a common interest.

In essence, flirting is about creating sexual tension. It's that delicate balance between teasing a woman, while making her work for your attention.

So if you want to attract (and date) a hot woman, the best way to make an impression is to not compliment her or do what other guys do. Instead boldly approach her and find a way to create that se-l tension that's necessary for all flirting conversations! You'll find that subtly teasing and bantering is one of the best ways to attract even the hottest girls around.

Tips On How To Attract Girls Without Being Laughed At

Tips On How To Attract Girls Without Being Laughed At

By : Maxim Wong

How to attract girls? There might be some boys who feel clueless in attracting women. These boys need help in attracting girl which is sometimes not an easy thing to do. Some boys might be overconfidence and ended up being laughed at or avoided by girls. It is said that men are from Mars and women from Venus, and the two will cross opinions quite often. Some boys will try to act like cool around the girls, or they talk way too loud to capture attention. However, that way will eventually drive the girls away from them. In the end, they are questioning themselves about the way on how to flirt with women.

Don’t be overconfidence or the dream on how to approach women will fade away. When thinking of how to attract girls, talking with the light conversation and being playful is better than blabbing about random things. Be composed but don’t act too superior. Girls will love the boys who are composed, making them look like reliable leaders but not acting too superior. Acting superior will make the boys look more like pretenders who try to act like cool or even look arrogant. Showing the boys’ attraction towards girls can be done in between conversation and interaction. In this point, girls usually consistent in giving signs so boys will need to pick out these signs.

So, how to attract girls without being laughed at? Well, in order to attract girls, boys do not have to do something flashy, but they do need to check on their appearance like clothes. Most of the good first impressions will start from the appearances. It is true that people shouldn’t judge by the cover, but appearance plays an important role. When approaching girls, confidence is needed but do not be overconfidence. Sometimes when boys become overconfidence, they will start to be in their own zone and will be busy bragging or talking about things girls do not like or understand.

How to Attract Beautiful W..

How to Attract Beautiful Women

If you’re like most guys, you’ve probably seen a gorgeous woman and thought:

“If I knew how to attract beautiful women like her, all would be right with the world.”
You see them every time you leave your house, and you probably even dream about them at night. And do you know what? Most of them are looking for a good man to share their life with. Most of them are frustrated that all the good men seem to be “taken.” All of those women LOVE s-x! And like you, they’re looking for a good man who can fulfill their wildest fantasies in the bedroom.

The world is full of beautiful women.

And there’s no reason why the man they end up with can’t be you. All it takes is for you to get a hold of the rock solid secrets for how to attract beautiful women…

Secret1: Know How to Flirt With Women
Plenty of men know how to get a girlfriend, but few men really know how to attract beautiful women. Why is this? Because the majority of the male population has no idea how to flirt with women. Sure, they can strike up a conversation with her, and perhaps even ask her out on a date. But even men who have the skills and the guts to do this still get shot down constantly.

If you want to make sure that you are not one of these unfortunate dudes, you have to know how to flirt with women the RIGHT way. A few simple rules to flirting with hot women are: know when to move ahead and know when to pull back, know how to withhold a kiss or even physical contact until she is aching for it, not being afraid to touch her and enter her space.

Learn to use these, and you’ll set yourself apart from the majority of men who don’t know how to get a girlfriend that they really want. Instead, they are forced to settle for what’s left over when the alpha males are done choosing. If you learn how to attract beautiful women by creating red hot attraction with flirting, you’ll be the alpha male that every other man is so envious of…

Secret #2: Be a Man of High Social Value

So what’s your social value? When you go out, are you all by yourself or are you surrounded by friends? Do the women you meet see you as a man who has lots of options in his life as far as dating goes? If not, it’s time for you to begin increasing the size of your social circle or at least making sure that the woman you are interested in sees that you’re someone who is well-liked by others and desired by women.
Do you know why most men don’t understand how to attract beautiful women? Because they’re too focused on “getting the woman” instead of presenting themselves a man of value. Let’s be honest, beautiful women aren’t going to fall all over and a man who has low social value, they have too many men competing for their attention.

You can bet that if beautiful women see you as this kind of man, they’ll consider you to be worth their time. Of course, there are other secrets and strategies to learn, but these are two that you can start with. With a little practice and persistence you’ll develop the skills which will help you understand how to attract beautiful women.

Go On The Net

Everybody knows online dating techniques for males are generally almost everywhere in the world today…nevertheless, if it relates to understanding just how to catch the attention of wonderful women of all ages or perhaps just how to find a girl, many of the “tips” just avoid getting the piece of work successfully done. You might most definitely read these kind of online dating guidelines for guys previously: head to locations solitary gals are, converse with these women, make use of their name as part of conversations, smile, start treating the girl exactly like a lady… and etc… Check out great tips on dating tips for men here…

Ok, many of those strategies look sweet…so why are they not working for you? In case you are thinking with regards to this, you are not by yourself. A large amount of adult males possess little idea how to entice beautiful gals because of a shortage of good quality online dating guidance that are available. The few listed tips underneath are 3 of the extremely useful to get good results swiftly…
Three Efficient Best Dating Hints for Men

Go On The Net

For those who didn’t yet created any kind of online relationship profile due to the fact that you reckon online relationship is actually for “losers,” it is advisable to get over the misconception and get your personal cyberspace profile. Of course, a decade in the past it would be rather bizarre for a person to be searching for a date on the web. In these days, the online world is surely an extensive global “hang out” whereby men and women have social networking dating profiles. Have a look at additional information on dating basics here…
Finally, the third of our 3 dating hints for males…

Thus, these are three good dating suggestions for males that will help set up a big impact in your life so long as you simply lay them to use: get on the internet, hold your life together and create a big social worth on yourself. These by themselves will provide you positive effects when you’re unrelenting and driven.

Get Your Life Together

Every single male would like to know the way to draw in spectacular women or maybe the best way to obtain a girlfriend. Yet , a handful of men are prepared to complete the work in becoming the man they need to become so as to seduce an amazing woman into their lives. Gals are seeking for men of all ages who will be happy and connected with inside their job, or pay attention to their health and also have a modest level of monetary stability.

Make a decision to seek help

Make a decision to seek help

Guys there is no reason to wallow in self-pity because you have not had the dating life you seek. You are not alone in your dating troubles and tons of guys have had trouble at one point or another, including me. When I used to try to talk with women, I had no idea what to say. I often felt embarrassed and did everything I could to avoid getting attention.
When I did work up the nerve to walk over to a girl I was sure she would turn me down. I was convinced women only went for buff jocks, pretty boys and millionaires.

When I did date women I treated them like princesses. I showered them with gifts and gave them all of my attention. I would cater to their demands and did whatever the girl wanted to do. Unfortunately, I was miserable. My lack of modern man skills had no longer just become a problem with dating it had become a problem in all areas of my life. I had no power in my relationships with women but I had also lost any power in my relationships with family, friends and co-workers.

Once I faced the truth and started looking for a solution, my life began to turn around. Swagger is not like learning how to walk it does not always develop naturally and there is nothing wrong with needing a little help sometimes. Guys there is no embarrassment or shame in saying you need help developing your confidence in dating or your personal relationships. In fact, my life is so successful now because I was able to face the reality of the situation and ask for help. I hope you find the courage to do the same and become a modern man.


Dating attitude in a modern man is really about showing off your confidence. Your confidence should come across in your ease at talking, how you walk and even in your choice of clothing. Increase your confidence by being bold and assertive when you speak with women, don't allow her or anyone else in the room to dominate what is happening, you have all the control.

Style man

Style man!!!!!
It is the 21st century man, and its time you changed your dating style for a much faster connected world to become a modern man. At no other time in history has so many options existed for men looking to find women to hook up with. All it really takes to make yourself a dating success is knowing how to adjust your dating swagger to get the woman attracted to you as well.

To increase your swagger you need to understand exactly what that means to a modern man. You may have heard the term swagger used to refer to a way of walking and that is true but in dating your swagger is the overall confidence and way you carry yourself. Your swagger is a combination of your style of dress the way you talk, your body language and attitude.


Give a guy a scale from one to ten to rate how important he finds a woman's appearance and he will give it a 20. For women however looks are nowhere near the top of the list. Meaning you have less to do to impress a woman than she has to do to impress you. With that said you still have want to showcase some type of style, a look that fits your personality and makes you stand out from all the rest.

Some self-help books and websites might tell you the only way to attract women is by being very neat and clean. They would be wrong! There are many types of women, and that means they are looking for all types of guys. From the supplicated guy in the business suit to the relaxed causal guy wearing jeans and a t-shirt to the grungy, unkempt hair of the rock and roll type of guy. Find a style that you like and work with it.

Body Language

Your posture and way you walk determine whether women see you as date potential. If you have a brisk paced walk with your arms folded, you come off as unapproachable. Walk to slow and you look indecisive. The best approach is a smooth relaxed walk. You can achieve this by standing up straight, keeping your shoulders down, making eye contact and hold up your head as you move.


Talking to a woman is about being able to interact and draw her attention into you and what you have to say. A truly modern man knows how to effortlessly converse with women about any topic. For men who have trouble talking with women, the best way to prepare is just being natural, when men try to force the conversation or have no knowledge about a subject it's obvious. Start a conversation about something that interests you or encourage her to talk about herself. You can then make polite responses without having the burden of carrying the conversation on your back.

You can get all the attention...

Perhaps you are a woman who is wondering how to attract men. You may be trying hard, but not attracting the right kind of man. This is not too difficult, and is certainly worth taking the time to learn and understand some basics. Here are a few tips that may help to improve your chances for success.

When you dress to show your best attributes, you may need some assistance. This is why it may be a good idea to frequent a top-end clothing store or boutique. These clothes will cost more than department store clothes. However, you will also get advice from people who know clothes and understand fashion. When it comes to looks, professional assistance can give you an important edge.
You can get all the attention you want if you openly flaunt yourself. This means dressing trashy in clothes that leave very little to the imagination. You will have many kinds of offers from a variety of males. However, this kind of attention is not coveted by most females. Instead, it is much better to draw attention to yourself in more subtle ways.

If you do not have a good professional hair dresser, it may time to look for one. You may think you know a lot about hair, but most women can benefit from the advice of a professional. You do not need to have your hair done professionally every week. However, your hairstylist will help you find a look that best suits your face and appearance. That is what he or she is paid to do.

Knowing how to attract men means becoming an interesting conversationalist. Most males enjoy a woman who hangs on every word and shows interest in them. This is something that any woman can do if she takes the time to listen effectively. Effective listening is all about refraining from speaking and listening to what he wants to say. Most people make a tactical blunder when seeking companionship. They wait to speak, instead of listening intently.

When you first meet a man, refrain from asking him about his occupation or profession. If you ask him about his job, he might think that you are simply after his money. Nothing turns off a man quicker than meeting someone he thinks is a gold-digger. Find things to compliment him about and encourage him to talk about himself. This will get his attention and he will focus on you.

If you are going out with female friends, avoid large groups. Most men feel intimated by a lot of females in a group. When you are with one or two females, men are more likely to approach you and start a conversation.

If you are serious about understanding how to attract men, do it on a subtle level. Dress smartly and in ways that accent your best features. Learn all you can from clothing and hair professionals. If you are not sure what to do when you meet a man, say nothing and let him do most of the talking. He will think that you are a stimulating conversationalist.

Adrian Campbell is an expert in online dating and has taught countless women attracting men who are compatible with them. He can help you learn how to attract men and begin a exciting long term relationship.

How to Attract Women on Dating Sites

How to Attract Women on Dating Sites: The explosion of online dating sites has created a bit of a pickle for single guys looking to meet an interesting and successful woman online. Some men fear that women on dating sites misrepresent themselves, which they worry could lead to disappointment when meeting in person. While this may be true of some women, in general most females who create a serious online profile on a dating site and are looking for a legitimate dating partner will be primarily truthful in both their profiles and their photos. Women worry that men will be similarly untruthful, but likewise they should put those fears aside and (at least initially) focus on trying to find a good match and worry about potential misrepresentation later.
Unfortunately, part of the problem is rooted in the different ways that men and women perceive one another and a misunderstanding of what may be the important things that lead to attraction between the sexes. For a man to successfully attract women on dating sites, he needs to first be aware that many women are looking primarily for someone who stimulates them intellectually more than physically. While physical attraction is important to women on dating sites, being able to hold an intelligent conversation goes a long way to proving that you're an intellectual match for the female of your choice.
Therefore, before you meet a woman in person for a live date, make sure you've spent plenty of time conversing with her via e-mail and let her see that you are capable of holding her attention. Once you've established yourself as someone she can speak comfortably with, you're more likely to have success with her on a real, live date.

Remember guys, women on dating sites are pretty much the same as women you first meet in person.
And as for men, women on dating sites who are seeking a serious relationship with a man they might meet online should realize that many men are insecure about certain parts of themselves, despite putting on a brave front or a macho exterior. Like men, women on dating sites who are meeting men online should spend a good deal of time conversing via e-mail to get a good understanding of just who he is. A confident, self-assured man is going to typically be a more fun and engaging date for a woman than a man who is insecure and afraid.Look for those insecurities, and when the time comes to meet in person, you'll have a good handle on how to give him the attention he needs to help boost his confidence.

When it comes to attracting women on dating sites, or for women seeking a dating partner among men on dating sites, the best advice is to put aside your preconceived notions or worries about potential misrepresentation and instead focus on first creating a long line of e-mail correspondence before meeting up in person. In this way you'll get a much better idea of who you're talking with, and through that interaction make a much more informed decision about meeting for a real, live date.

What Makes a Face Attractive?

What Makes a Face Attractive?

People within a given culture agree among themselves about what faces are attractive and what makes them attractive. They may disagree with people in other cultures about certain attributes of beauty, but much of what is considered attractive is shared across cultures. These largely universal characteristics of facial beauty are considered in more detail here. General characteristics of faces that contribute to beauty include symmetry, i.e., facial features are mirrored across the vertical midline of the face. Slight imperfections in symmetry are probably not significant; rather, large deviations easily perceived, such a crooked mouth, deviated nose, or one eye too small, disrupt the perception of beauty. Proportion among facial features also contributes to beauty, i.e., features, such as the mouth or nose, should not be too large or small in comparison with other facial features.
Proper placement of these features on the face is another factor contributing to beauty, i.e., the eyes are not too close together or too far apart, and the eyes and mouth lie approximately upon lines dividing the face into thirds (a guideline of portrait artists). The shape of the face in profile also shows a clear relation to attractiveness, with the straight profile (C in the table on the right) preferred.
Symmetry, good proportion, proper layout, a straight profile, and other such general characteristics may be considered more attractive because they represent a certain mean or expectation about the correct appearance of the face. This expectation of the beautiful face might have something to do with special areas in the brain for processing facial information. Marked deviations from this mean may indicate lack of fitness or ill-health (see the Health and Disease Facet), a possible object of natural adaptive selection pressures underlying preferences.

Physical Attractiveness of the Face and the Attractiveness

The general topic of attractiveness is important to members of virtually every culture, especially to the young who seek romantic partners and to those who seek to extend their influence in society through contact with others. Attractiveness is significant to each individual and to most people whom the person meets, and the effects of attractiveness could extend to virtually every other impression a person makes. Attractiveness to a psychologist means how others perceive and rate the desireability of a person's features. Such ratings or opinions depend partly on inherent physical attractiveness of the facial features and partly on other factors, for example, how these features are "packaged" or presented.
Given the importance of physical beauty to perceived attractiveness, purveyors of aids and accessories for enhancing physical attractiveness make every effort in consumer-oriented societies to emphasize this aspect of attractiveness. The face is a focus of much attention when it comes to physical attractiveness, because this part of the body represents the person's identity and is most exposed to public view. Thus, whether a person is in general considered beautiful or not depends much on facial beauty. The remainder of this page addresses the factors that contribute to the attractiveness of the face, how one's attractiveness affects others and their behavior, and how someone might improve or maintain facial attractiveness.
I'm not completely satisfied with my results in the dating industry. I lost momentum! It's pretty difficult to find willing single girls to date. You know their almost stuck up in terms? How do I get their attention continuously? Ok, sup with that? It agitates me to the bone getting blown off.

Geeze I can't believe I put that. On the wall "DON'T RESPECT THIS GUY" wall I go. LOL Yeah I'm not looking to settle down. Plus I'm moving so I need all the practice I can get. I basically gotta eat from the bottom of the tree before the top is consumed. I shoulda did this on a different account. Because now, what I presented to Brandon girls may be offensive? But yeah plastic surgery frank?

How to Charm A Man

How to Charm A Man
Men and women have different conceptions of exactly what a charming woman is. If you are a woman who wants to charm a man, only the male conception of a charming woman is important. Recent research on mating behavior and preferences have given much light to the subject of what traits are associated with "charm" for a woman. This charm comes from many sources, including your physical appearance, personality traits and social status.

Hint at your education level if it is high. While men do not have a preference for intelligent women (nor do they have a preference for unintelligent women), men do find displays of higher levels of education attractive. If you have a college or graduate degree, subtly mention that and bring up some topics related to it in your conversation. This especially appeals to men searching for long-term partners.
Enhance your facial attractiveness. Facial attractiveness is especially desired by men searching for long-term partners. Use makeup to accentuate the feminine features of your face. Focus on enhancing the size of your eyes, clarity of your skin and height of your cheekbones. Consult a makeup artist for assistance.